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Emergency Operations Bunker - Behind the Radar

Highland – Inverness, Black Isle, Easter Ross

In Person

Constructed in WW2 as a ‘filter room’ to process RADAR signals, the subterranean building was then used by the ROC, Health Board. During the cold-war it was hardened to provide a living environment for ‘high heid yins’ in the event of a nuclear strike on the UK. Subsequently used by the Council as an emergency operations centre. 

A tour with practical experience of the use of the bunker in WW2 – as a radar processing site.  Lightweight technical discussions. The School tour is focussed mainly on the WW2 use and social issues.  The longer tour (children welcome!) discovers more areas and spends more time looking at cold-war and council uses of the 2 level underground bunker

Pre-booked tours at 11am and 3pm. 


Key Information

Booking essential: create a username and book a slot here:

Where to find us

  • WW2 Radar Bunker
  • Mackintosh Road
  • Inverness
  • IV2 3TX
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Programmes this building took part in: