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Gargunnock Parish Church


In Person

Gargunnock Kirk is Category B Listed and dates from 1628. The picturesque T-plan building, with three sets of external stairs leading to separate Lairds lofts. It sits at the historic heart of the village of Gargunnock, where there has been a church in one form or another for over 500 years. The kirk was altered in 1774 and has had a number of internal refurbishments since. It contains a Robert Lorimer war memorial and pulpit and has two good 20thcentury stained glass windows which are attributed to William Wilson and Douglas Hamilton. The church is set within its graveyard.

On Sunday 24th at 2:30pm there will be a talk by local archaeologist Murray Cook titled 'The Jacobites passing through the Area'.


Key Information

Booking not required. 

Where to find us

  • Manse Brae
  • Gargunnock
  • FK8 3BQ
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