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Lauder Old Parish Church

7 September 2024 (13:00 - 17:00)

8 September 2024 (13:00 - 17:00)

Scottish Borders

In Person

Built 350 years ago in 1673, Lauder Church was designed by architect Sir William Bruce. It is particularly unusual for having been built in the shape of a Greek Cross with four equal arms and a central octagonal bell tower. Very few Scottish churches were built in this shape. Much of the interior dates to the church's renovation in 1820. The churchyard retains a watchtower dating to 1830.


Additional Access Information

Upstairs galleries not wheelchair accessible. 

Key Information

Booking not required. 

Where to find us

  • Market Place
  • Lauder
  • TD2 6SR

Programmes this building took part in: