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Channelkirk Church

Scottish Borders

In Person

This historic site has traditionally been held as the site where the shepherd Cuthbert had a vision which led him to become a monk. One of its greatest attractions is the glorious views down Lauderdale which enhance the spiritual atmosphere of the site.

The present church building, Category A listed, is dedicated to St Cuthbert. It was erected in 1817 by James Gillespie Graham in perpendicular gothic style with original canopied pulpit and fittings, battlemented gables and pointed gothic windows. Established by Dryburgh Abbey, it is also known as "Mother Church of Lauderdale".

A warm welcome awaits visitors, who are invited to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this historic site; explore the church building with all the original fittings and a timeline of its history and links to St Cuthbert; view the ancient gravestones and mortsafes and the views from the churchyard.

Channelkirk's sister church at Lauder is celebrating its 350th anniversary. A small display will be available giving this link. Lauder Parish Church is also open for Doors Open Days. Please see separate listing.



Key Information

Booking not required. 

Where to find us

  • 2 Kirktonhill
  • Oxton
  • Lauder
  • TD2 6PT
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