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Cultybraggan Camp

Perth & Kinross

In Person

Cultybraggan Camp, run by Comrie Development Trust, was formerly an infamous Second World War PoW camp turned MoD training camp and is now a thriving multi-use site owned by the local community. It is composed of over 80 Nissen huts that are used by businesses and community groups, as events and heritage spaces and now as holiday homes and a cafe!

Explore the museum with its tales of PoW escapes and Nazi brutality; experience the camp living conditions and military life; sample the quality produce of local artisans; dress as a soldier, try morse code and hunt the Cultybraggan mice!


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Where to find us

  • Comrie Development Trust, Hut 3
  • Cultybraggan Camp
  • Comrie
  • PH6 2AB
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Programmes this building took part in: