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Beacon Arts Centre, Greenock


In Person

We are the Beacon, a contemporary theatre and arts centre in the heart of Inverclyde...and a whole lot more besides.

We offer a safe and inspiring place to escape into a different world for a while; a place to connect and share new experiences through shows and activities that inspire and delight, sometimes challenge, and always entertain. From staging national productions to showcasing local talent, and from hosting theatre-based workshops to dance classes and a whole host of activities and events, we aim to offer something for everyone. 

We passionately believe that cultural experiences are crucial to the wellbeing of individuals and communities. That's why our mission is to make a lasting impact and 'light up lives' by giving as many people as possible the opportunity to engage with the arts in enjoyable and meaningful ways. We achieve this through our fantastically diverse programme, our youth theatre and our innovative outreach and engagement work, delivered here in the Beacon and out in the community. 

A unique opportunity to tour backstage areas usually closed to the public. Our tours will take in the under stage, wings, scene dock, green room and dressing rooms. 

Our experienced staff will explain the technical requirements of putting on a top show. Visitors will also have the opportunity to stand on one of Scotland’s biggest stages and look out over 500 seats. This will also be a great chance to have a selfie on the ‘Big Stage’.

Guided tours at 11am, noon, and 2pm (fully booked).


Key Information

Booking in person at Beacon Box Office, by phoning 01475 723723 or at 

Beacon Arts - Doors Open Day 2023 (

Where to find us

  • Beacon Arts Centre
  • Customhouse Quay
  • Greenock
  • PA15 1HJ
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Programmes this building took part in: