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Forsinard Flows Nature Reserve


21 September 2024 (09:00 - 17:00)

22 September 2024 (09:00 - 17:00)

Highland – Caithness & Sutherland

In Person

Forsinard Flows nature reserve, in the far north of Scotland, is a rolling expanse of blanket bog, sheltered straths and mountains. The wild and rugged landscape is part of the Flow Country – one of Scotland’s national treasures. The RSPB is lucky enough to have cared for more than 21,000 hectares of it for over 20 years.

Learn more about this vast landscape and the species that live here in our Visitor Centre and take a walk along the Dubh Lochan Trail to discover the Flows for yourself.

For Doors Open Days Flow Country Explorer Packs will be available to borrow for free from the Visitor Centre. These packs contain binoculars, species ID guides and magnifying glasses for those who want to get a closer look at the bog! Booking not required.

"On Saturday 21st September, staff and volunteers from the RSPB will be at the Visitor Centre from 10am – 4pm with craft activities and leading guided walks as part of the Highlands & Islands Climate Festival. This is a great opportunity to find out more about the new Flow Country World Heritage Site and explore the incredible landscape of the Flow Country."


Key Information

Where to find us

  • Visitor Centre
  • Forsinard
  • KW13 6YT
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