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St Peter's Catholic Church


29 September 2024 (13:00 - 17:00)


In Person
2024 Theme

Italianate Catholic Church with exquisite stained glass windows with links to Oscar Wilde

Personal tours, slide-show, refreshments

Tours n the hour every hour - 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm lasting 40 minutes


2024 Theme - Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections

The Church was paid for privately for a man who had a "Road to Damascus" event in his life. Until then he had been part of London's literature scene where he was friends with Oscar Wilde. The person who paid for the Church was extremely wealthy and no expense was spared tomato it an architectural jewel with exquisite stained glass windows, mosaics and stone and metal work of the highest order.


Additional Access Information

We have a large room where we will show a slideshow while serving refreshments.


Key Information

No Booking Required.

Where to find us

  • St Peter's Catholic Church
  • 77 Falcon Avenue
  • Morningside, Edinburgh
  • EH10 4AN
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Programmes this building took part in: