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Morningside United Church


29 September 2024 (14:00 - 17:00)


In Person

The church and halls building is home to an ecumenical congregation of the Church of Scotland and United Reformed Church.  It also hosts the Romanian Orthodox Church and Edinburgh Spiders (Ukrainian group making hospital camouflage nets).

Architect – James McLachlan 1927 -29. Small Art Deco-Romanesque church with campanile, barrel vaulted interior and piers of banded ashlar.

Stained glass – centre window memorial to WWI; left window memorial to WWII; right window by Christian Shaw 2012 commemorating Eric Liddell.

Organ - Rushworth & Dreaper 1955, overhauled 1994 and 2022. The organ of 1955 made use of some pipework from the organ built in 1929 which originated in 1904 in the previous church on this site.



  • View Eric Liddell window and information on Eric Liddell (who was a member of the church), in centenary year of his Olympic victory.
  • View art exhibition by Edinburgh Sketchers.
  • View information on our Romanian and Ukrainian partners.



Key Information

No Booking Required.

Where to find us

  • Morningside United Church
  • 15 Chamberlain Road
  • Edinburgh
  • EH10 4DJ

Programmes this building took part in: