This information relates to the 2024 festival which has now ended. The 2025 festival programme will go live in August 2025.

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St Mary's Parish Church, Haddington

28 September 2024 (11:00 - 16:00)

29 September 2024 (13:30 - 16:00)

East Lothian

In Person
2024 Theme

A C14 church of cathedral proportions, St Mary’s was one of the three great Collegiate churches of the
Lothians. 2024 is the 475 th anniversary of the lifting of the 18 month long Siege of Haddington in September,
1549. Scots and French armies engulfed the town through numerous battles, until the English garrison
within it was finally hit by plague and expelled. Church and tower were left roofless, and the bells were said to
have been taken to Durham. Eleven years later, cost only allowed the west end to be repaired, and that has
remained in active use with many makeovers. It was separated by a huge wall from the ruins, which remained exposed to wind and rain for over 400 years – until the C20. In the 1960s, the incredible Restoration of the ruins commenced, and the church was complete once more by 1973 with unique ‘fibreglass’ vaulting, recycled stone from the closed Caledonian Station in Edinburgh, and a stained glass window from Devon. 8 bells from an Aberdeenshire chapel were finally hung in the restored, still empty tower in 1999, and they rang in the Millenium. Special peals were rung recently in this, their 25 th anniversary. The collegiate church’s musical tradition returned after the Restoration. So the paths of St Mary’s history continue into the 21 st century.


For 2024 Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections

  • Mini flower festival – displays of ‘Celebration’ themes to recall the relief felt at the ending of the Siege.
  • Try out the new Bosendorfer concert piano, belonging to Haddington Concert Society, which has just arrived. There is a long musical tradition – as far back as medieval StMary’s when many priests sang choral masses in the Collegiate church, then to concerts in the ruins just before the Restoration, and later afterwards – now choral and orchestral performances.ces take place including the annual Lammermuir Music Festival.
  • The belfry – celebrating the 25th anniversary of the installation of the 8 bells - will be open Saturday 28th, from 2.00-3.45pm to try bell ringing. About 60 steps

Inside the church, there is a self-guided historical trail and a display about the Siege.

  • On Saturday, at various times, there will be a guided walk around the outside of the church to look at the extensive Siege damage, and the later Restoration.
  • On Sunday, at 3.00pm, Dr Cooper will take a guided walk around the outside of the church, then on to battle sites in Lady Kitty’s Garden and near Holy Trinity Church, with a stop around 3.45pm at the Siege Memorial site for a short ceremony to lay a wreath (this may be attended separately).

Digital Resources

Virtual Tour

The congregation of St Mary's Parish Church have produced a tour for Doors Open Days 2021. 

Go on a virtual guided tour!
Additional Access Information
  • Disabled parking on site.
  • This building is 206ft long – plenty of space.
  • There will be light refreshments and water jugs available.

Key Information

No Booking Required. 

  • Inside the church, there is a self-guided historical trail and a display about the Siege.
  • On Saturday, at various times, there will be a guided walk around the outside of the church to look at the extensive Siege damage, and the later Restoration.
  • On Sunday, at 3.00pm, Dr Cooper will take a guided walk around the outside of the church, then on to battle sites in Lady Kitty’s Garden and near Holy Trinity Church, with a stop around 3.45pm at the Siege Memorial site for a short ceremony to lay a wreath (this may be attended separately).

Where to find us

  • St Mary’s Parish Church
  • Sidegate
  • Haddington
  • EH41 4BZ
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Programmes this building took part in: