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Alloa Historical Estate Walk


In Person

Alloa Tower was at the core of an important estate established in c1363, when the Erskine family was granted the land by David II. By the late 17th century there were other buildings around the tower and the small town of Alloa had developed nearby. 

John, 6th Earl of Mar (1675-1732) improved the estate and created an impressive designed landscape and garden around his ancestral home.  The 6th Earl led the 1715 Jacobite Uprising in Scotland, however, was attainted for High Treason,  forfeited his lands and titles and spent the rest of his life in exile abroad. His family bought back the estate in 1724 and continued with the industrial developments begun by the 6th Earl. 

In 1800 a fire destroyed all of the buildings apart from the tower. The Erskine family lived elsewhere until the new Alloa House was completed nearby in 1838. Alloa House was inherited by the Earl of Kellie in 1866, greatly extended and a range of new buildings constructed on the estate, including a walled garden and various lodges. Alloa House was demolished in the late 1950s.

This walk will explore the story of this remarkable historical estate, looking at the features and buildings which have survived in the landscape of today. 





Key Information

The walk will begin and end at Alloa Tower. It is c2km (1.25 miles) long, will be on level pathways and should take about 2.5 hours.

To book, please email susan.mills127@btinternet,com

Sturdy footwear and outdoor clothing are essential.

Where to find us

  • Alloa Park
  • Alloa
  • FK10 1PP

Programmes this building took part in: