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Tobermory Distillery


21 September 2024 (10:00 - 17:00)

22 September 2024 (10:00 - 17:00)

Argyll & Bute

2024 Theme
In Person

Visitor centre and shop open to all throughout the days. All welcome, pets included.  Come and chat about our history, the stories and how we create our wonderful gins and whiskies.

Tobermory Distillery was built as a focus for the growing fishing industry in 1798 by the local entrepreneur John Sinclair, used as the NAFI for the Naval ships in port and the forces during WWII. Today it continues the traditional link with farming through byproduct draff going to the local farm and coming back as whisky washed truckles of cheese.

Tours: history and stories and something to taste!  Age 12yr+. Tours at 10:00, 12:30, and16:00. 

Distillery Courtyard Visit for the less able and under 12’s with an accompanying adult (2 children max per adult). Groups gathered hourly throughout the day starting at 10:30, last group at 15:30.

Additional Access Information

We have access for those with mobility issues to the Visitor Centre/Shop and we’ll tell you our story in the distillery courtyard.

Children and pets are very welcome in the Visitor Centre/shop

The Tour through the Production facility is on open grillwork stairs and floors with about 50ft of ascent and descent and is not suitable for anyone with health or mobility issues, sticks etc.  
Footwear- no heels, open sandals, clogs/crocs or cleated cycle shoes. Not recommended if you have issues with heights. 
For age 12yr +


Key Information

Please phone the distillery on 01688 302647 Option 1,  The Visitor Centre or e-mail to reserve a space on a tour. 

Where to find us

  • Ledaig
  • Tobermory
  • Isle of Mull
  • PA75 6NR

Programmes this building took part in: