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Argyll Estates Archives

21 September 2024 (10:00 - 17:30)

Argyll & Bute

In Person
2024 Theme

The Argyll Estates Archives house the records of the earls and dukes of Argyll. Dating from the 13th century, the archive tells the stories of family members, their participation in historical events and the administration of their extensive estates in Argyll, the islands and central Scotland – including the re-building of the castle and the new town of Inveraray in the 18th century. 

The archive is kept in the 18th century stable block or ‘court of offices’ at Cherry Park, a short walk from Inveraray Castle. Plans for Cherry Park were drawn up by John Adam for the 3rd duke of Argyll in 1759. Work began the following year, and the buildings were eventually completed by the 5th duke in 1772.

For Doors Open Days there will be an exhibition of original and unique pieces from the archives for visitors to browse and a rolling PowerPoint explaining the history of the Collection. The archivists will be on hand to answer general  questions about the collection. Please note that it will not be possible to accommodate individual research appointments on Doors Open Day.

Visitors are invited to pre-book for a tour of the archive store to see more of this unique historical collection and how it is preserved. From 15:00 we will celebrate Argyll’s living heritage by hosting Tunes in the Archives, a traditional Scottish music session. Bring a tune, a song or a story to share.

Guided tour of the archive stores at 10:30am and 12:30pm.

Additional Access Information

There is a wheelchair accessible toilet in Inverarary Castle (10 minutes from Cherry Park)

There is a small step into the Research Room and two steps into the Archive stores. Once within the building, there is sufficient space for wheelchair access and displays/information will be at an appropriate height.

Key Information

Tours must be pre-booked as numbers are limited. 

Please email or phone 01499 302698 to book.


Where to find us

  • Argyll Estates Archives
  • Cherry Park
  • Inveraray
  • PA32 8XE
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Programmes this building took part in: