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Arbroath Courthouse


In Person

Arbroath Courthouse is the former Sheriff Courthouse but had a previous important life before it became a Courthouse.

Prior to its Courthouse usage, the two interlinked buildings were the former Townhouse and the former Guild Hall. Both listed buildings were built in 1806 and 1861 respectively. They are buildings which are very much part of the Town's heritage centrally positioned in the High Street conservation area.

When the Sheriff Courthouse ceased operating in 2014, Arbroath Courthouse Community Trust was formed with the objective to bring back the buildings into community use. Ownership by the Trust was secured in 2019 as an "asset transfer" from Scottish Court Services.

The Trust has since produced a development plan to adapt the buildings into a multi-purpose community facility. This work is now underway, respectful of their listed status. The Trust own the buildings for the benefit of all in the local community.

The Doors Open Days programme will consist of the following, subject to alteration on each day:

  • Guided building tours explaining the history behind both buildings.
  • Writing workshops on the Courthouse theme (limited numbers of participants).
  • Talk on Angus Airfields by the author of the associated book.
  • Local crafts on display.
  • Information and exhibition of proposed drawings of how the buildings are to be adapted.

Refreshments will be available. Donations to the Trust would be welcomed.



Key Information

Booking not required. 

Where to find us

  • 88-94 High Street
  • Arbroath
  • DD11 1HL

Programmes this building took part in: