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St James Episcopal Church, Stonehaven

21 September 2024 (10:00 - 16:00)

22 September 2024 (10:00 - 16:00)


In Person

St James Episcopal Church is a quality example of a Grade A listed building. Although the church’s website provides a comprehensive collection of images, videos and information about the building, nothing can come close to the majestic of scale, detailing, beauty and peace that visitors will experience as they step through the grand church doors. A memory that will stay with you forever and a perfect example of how our built heritage can affect our emotions.

The church is home to the ‘Priests and Pipes’ showcasing many unique historical artefacts, explaining the history of the Episcopal Church and of John Wardle, the noted organ builder who was choirmaster here for 58 years. The exhibition includes interactive displays, and a demonstrator organ, which anyone can sit down and play!

On the Saturday there will be a coffee and cake morning in the church hall from 10am to 12.30pm. There will be tea/coffee available in the church throughout the weekend.


Key Information

No booking required.

Where to find us

  • St James Episcopal Church
  • Arbuthnott Street
  • Stonehaven
  • AB39 2JB
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Programmes this building took part in: