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Macduff War Memorial


21 September 2024 (12:00 - 16:00)

22 September 2024 (12:30 - 16:30)


In Person

 Venue Withdrawn - please note that this venue is unfortunately no longer part of the 2024 programme.

Macduff’s war memorial is a striking octagonal tower of approximately 21 meters in height and 5 meters wide across the base. Standing tall and proud on the Knowes majestically overlooking Macduff and the coastline beyond.  The names of the fallen are cut into panels of Kemnay granite. Internally the tower is divided into storeys with cement floors and a cement stair leading to the top. The work was carried out by 2 experienced masons namely Alexander Brown, Turner Street, Macduff then aged 79 years and Magnus Johnstone, High Street, Macduff then aged 68 years, built as a tribute to the young men they had known. The view from the top is spectacular on a clear day. 

Climbing the tower is at a person’s own risk and requires care.  


Key Information

No booking required

Where to find us

  • Macduff War Memorial
  • The Knowes
  • Macduff
  • AB44 1YA

Programmes this building took part in: