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Fraserburgh Old Parish Church


In Person

The current church was built in 1803 on the site of the very first church to be built in 1571 by Sir Alexander Fraser in what was known then as the area of Faithlie. Sir Alexander Fraser went on to build a new town around the church, which became the town of Fraserburgh.


The main stained glass window of the church is a work of great art and beauty which is one of Douglas Strachan’s first and best works based on Psalm 148. The window was unveiled in 1906 and fully refurbished in 2012.


The pulpit is a War Memorial to those of the town who fell in the Great War which was gifted to the church by Lord Saltoun in 1923. The pipe organ was added to the church in 1898 at a huge cost at that time of £500. The organ dominates the back of the church with its beautifully decorated and painted pipes and is another example of historical excellence. The church has the largest capacity of the three Church of Scotland church buildings in Fraserburgh with seating for over 800 people.


Guides will be on hand to show visitors around the church. There will be a suitable activity for children such as a quiz/treasure hunt about features within the church.


Key Information

Where to find us

  • Saltoun Square
  • Fraserburgh
  • AB43 9DA

Programmes this building took part in: