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Duff House Mausoleum


In Person

Built on the site of a Carmelite burial ground this “Gothick” structure houses the remains of the first five Earls Fife amongst others. Outside is a tomb that used to be in Banff cemetery and falsely used by the 2nd Earl to claim a family connection to Robert the Bruce. The Mausoleum is in an extremely peaceful and picturesque location above the River Deveron and contains several excellent examples of quite early Coade stone. Also worth visiting close by are Mount Carmel, St Mary’s Well and “Hospital Island”.

Available at the Mausoleum will be leaflets with a map showing walks around Wrack Woods highlighting key features. A separate leaflet with the history of the Mausoleum will also be available, to supplement the information the stewards on the day get a chance to talk about!

Subject to weather and good fitness of visitors, ad hoc walks (circa 20 mins) may be conducted to Mount Carmel, Hospital Island and St Mary’s Well.

Main parking and the nearest toilets are near Duff House; most visitors are then asked to walk to the Mausoleum (about 1 mile which will be signed), either along a track or the lower footpath. There is space adjacent to the Mausoleum for just 2 cars, reserved for disabled parking. The Mausoleum is fully wheelchair accessible outside. To get to the flat floor inside there are 3 steps.


Key Information

Where to find us

  • Duff House Mausoleum
  • Wrack Woods (1 mile south of Duff House)
  • Banff
  • AB45 3SX
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