1 High Shore, Banff (Merchant's House)

1 High Shore is an original Merchant’s house in the centre of Banff, adjacent to the Silversmith’s House and the Market Arms; they are three of the oldest houses in Banff, forming a historic grouping. Opposite lies a medieval churchyard.
Merchant’s House continues its life as a private family home engulfed with history and architectural detail. Probably dating from before 1675, as dated on the outside, with fortified ground floor and evidence of entry at first floor level.
Each of the three floors offer architectural delights, including a huge fireplace, spiral stone stairs and turret. The courtyard garden offers a fine view of the back of the staircase tower. Guided access will be granted to the attic for the able-bodied, to see the numbered beams, cap room and views across the bay.
Only open to the public on Doors Open Days, the event provides an extraordinarily unique opportunity to glimpse into the history of Banff.
Additional Access Information
The ground floor is wheelchair accessible.

Key Information
No booking required
Where to find us
- 1 High Shore
- Banff
- AB45 1DB