Inclusive Events Toolkit

Did you know that almost every European Country has a version of Doors Open Days? Each September, 50 countries across Europe throw open their doors to numerous monuments and sites, inviting all to enjoy free visits and learn about our shared spaces and stories.

The strength of European Heritage Days has always been its ability to bring people together to appreciate the rich diversity of European cultures. At Doors Open Days, we’ve always thought the more the merrier!

To help European Heritage Days organisers create events that include and reflect the diversity of European cultures, the Council of Europe and the European Commission supported teams at Scottish Civic Trust and The National Trust to create a toolkit for developing, delivering and evaluating inclusive events. 



This toolkit is the result of a research and development project in 2019/2020 supported by European Heritage Days funding through the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

It was led by a research partnership comprising Scottish Civic Trust’s Doors Open Days National Coordinator Nicola Godsal and Diverse Heritage Officer Jennifer Novotny, and The National Trust’s Heritage Open Days’ Head of Producing Annie Reilly and draws on the experience and input of other European Heritage Days’ National Coordinators and a range of partners and participants.