
2024 theme: Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections

This year’s shared European Heritage Days theme is Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections 

Ancient routes, cities or villages, business establishments, religious buildings, post houses, towers, fortifications, and many other elements of our built environment are evidence of these exchanges. This theme is an opportunity to again travel these roads, routes and paths of history to discover what we can learn from them today. It is a chance to explore how our local heritage is connected to a wide variety of influences.

You can access guidance on how to celebrate this theme here

This guide includes suggestions for potential events and activities which celebrate Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections. 

Doors Open Days is part of European Heritage Days. The European Heritage Days are the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the people of Europe. The Council of Europe launched the initiative in 1985, and in 1999 was joined by the European Union to create the joint action, which has continued up to the present day.