Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit

Feeling a wee bit cooped up these days? Be transported all over Scotland through Cut • Fold • Build! 

The Scottish Civic Trust have created 11 templates of Scottish buildings that you can print off and assemble in your own home. It’s like constructing a wee Scotland in your living room! You can build everything from tenements and tower blocks to medieval chapels and 17th century homes.

Cut Fold Build Booklet Cover for making 11 paper models


Constructing the buildings is easy – you just follow some simple instructions: a thick solid line = cut; a dashed line = fold; and a dot pattern = glue. We’ve also provided some numbers on the template to indicate the recommended sequence of assembly. Some templates are more complex and require multiple pieces of paper for assembly. 

All you need is; 

  • A4 Paper (For printing) 
  • Scissors (For cutting)
  • Tape/Glue (For assembling)
  • Pens/Pencils/Crayons/Paint (For jazzing up your design!) 

You could do some research into Scottish buildings and build lifelike paper reconstructions. Or let your imagination run wild – maybe you think Shetland crofts would look nice with stained glass windows, or perhaps a metallic gold tenement is in order! Why stop at one building? You could make all 11 designs and create a townscape on your living room floor!

The possibilities are endless! 


Paper models of buildings



Click the links below to download the Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit

🔸 Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit (English) 

🔸 Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit Printable (English) 

🔸 Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit (Gaelic) 

🔸 Cut • Fold • Build Toolkit Printable (Gaelic) 

We'd love to see what you come up with, so make sure to share your creations by tagging us at @dodscotland on Facebook, @doorsopendays on Twitter and @doorsopendaysscotland on Instagram and using the hashtag #CutFoldBuild. 


11 Paper buildings made


Logos for Scottish Government, Scottish Rural Development Programme, Leader and European Agricultural Fund