

Michael Hitchon DOD Coordinator for Ayrshire

Coordinator Michael Hitchon in front of Ayr Sheriff and JP Court

Michael Hitchon, President of the Kyle and Carrick Civic Trust

Ayrshire (7th - 8th September)

In 1990 we were approached by John Gerrard, SCT Technical Director at the time, who asked us to try the European Heritage Days idea in Ayr and the Committee agreed.  Doors Open Days soon grew from 4 venues in Ayr to 70 buildings throughout Ayrshire.

We aim for 10% new each year, some of which ask to join. We collate information for brochure and publicise the event, which attracts c. 6,500 recorded visits over the weekend.

The best aspect of Doors Open Days for me is discovering superb quality stained glass and that the goodwill is tangible on the day. One of the largest challenges I face is securing the data from my venues for a deadline! 

Favourite memory is the former council house, colourfully decorated, with polished mild steel furniture made by the owner, and his Japanese garden with Koi Carp.  It got a feature in the Daily Record

My Ayrshire highlight from this year's Doors Open Days is the 19 Police Cells beneath Ayr Town Hall.

 You can see the full programme of events, activities and buildings that are opening their doors in Ayrshire here.