

Dr Chris Croly, Project Officer, University of Aberdeen 

Aberdeen (7th - 8th September)

Kings Chapel

I’ve organised Doors Open Day in Aberdeen since 2007. I was asked to be involved by the last local coordinator whom I had worked with on a number of heritage projects. I’m a historian, and my principal areas of interest are the history and archaeology of Aberdeen so I jumped at the chance to be involved with the built heritage of the place! I have found this to be a hugely rewarding experience – it’s great to meet people and to see what goes on in the city.

Our programme in Aberdeen for the 30th anniversary of the event in Scotland is a packed one with over 50 buildings open. We really have something for everyone; you can follow a church trail through the city or if you are a family you can take part in all the family friendly activities that are on offer.

There are two must-see’s for this year! First of these is North East Scotland College who have so much to show people from their planetarium to their training restaurant where students learn to cook and to serve (and refreshments will be available courtesy of the students) and also their hair dressing salon.

The second is one of the most beloved buildings in Aberdeen: the Beach Ballroom. This year it celebrates its 90th anniversary and it holds a special place in the hearts of many Aberdonians. They will be offering tours and a rare chance to peak behind the scenes.

You can see the full programme of events, activities and buildings that are opening their doors in Aberdeen here.