

GWL Stride with Pride

Stephen Sheriff, Events and Development Coordinator, Glasgow Building Preservation Trust

Glasgow  (16th - 22nd September)

I've been in working at Glasgow Doors Open Days just two months. My other hats include film maker and programme coordinator of an artist run space. 

I had been working on various festival and film freelance projects for some time and was excited by the the prospect of coordinating Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival and immersing myself in all aspects of running a festival. 

As Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival coordinator I've most enjoyed meeting the participants in the festival. There are so many passionate people willing to give up their time to impart their knowledge and share their stories with their fellow Glaswegian. It’s very inspiring and humbling to work with such generous people. 

A highlight of the programme this year is a talk by the Glasgow Women's Library that will be on at our festival hub. The talk will explore the process behind their newest LGBTQ+ heritage map - not to be missed! Also, we are currently working on several exciting events to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Watch this space - these will be unveiled later in the year!