Volunteer Opportunity: Western Isles Doors Open Days Coordinator

We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer or group of volunteers to help coordinate Doors Open Days in the Western Isles. Doors Open Days is a cultural heritage festival that provides free physical and virtual access to over 1,000 sites and buildings across Scotland every September.

Role description

You will put together the local Doors Open Days programme by approaching local venues about participating in Doors Open Days; confirming their details (address, description of site, photo and what activities or events they will put on for Doors Open Days); and then uploading these details to the national Doors Open Days website. You will also be responsible for promoting your programme by contacting local press and spreading the word through your local networks. After the festival, you will collect feedback from local venues about their experience.

The role takes place every year from June - October. In June, you will spend a few hours each week approaching venues and planning your programme. In August, you will spend time uploading your programme onto the Doors Open Days website. The amount of time this takes will depend on how large your programme is. In September, your local Doors Open Days festival will take place on one weekend. You should be on hand in case of any emergencies and to take photos of visitors at venues or to do some social media promotion. In October, you will collect feedback from venues and pass that on to the national coordinators of Doors Open Days at the Scottish Civic Trust.

You will be supported by a national network of Doors Open Days coordinators, with regular meetings held throughout the year. You will also receive support documents to help you with approaching venues, uploading venue information onto the website, and promoting your programme on social media.

Benefits & Perks

  • Helping people in your local area freely access sites and events that usually charge a fee, are inaccessible or are closed to the public.
  • Networking with professionals across Scotland’s heritage, architecture, culture, community engagement and tourism sectors.
  • Developing skills in project management, communication, website management and more.

Skills required

  • Friendliness and confidence to approach local venues about participating in Doors Open Days.
  • Good attention to detail and project management.
  • Enthusiasm for and interest in heritage, architecture, culture, community engagement or tourism sectors.
  • Ideally, experience of web management content systems.

How to apply

Email Nicola Godsal, Doors Open Days National Coordinator (nicola.godsal@scottishcivictrust.org.uk) with:

  • A cover letter stating:
    • Your interest in Doors Open Days
    • Why you’d be a good fit to be a local coordinator
    • If you think Doors Open Days could link into your current role (for example, we have coordinators based at universities and regional councils), please outline this as well.
  • Optional:
    • Your CV

We are accepting applications on a rolling basis.