Microvolunteering Opp: Noting Scotland's digital heritage

Do you have a bit of time to spare in lockdown? Fancy doing some volunteering from home for the Scottish Civic Trust? This is a flexible opportunity – whether it’s twenty minutes or three hours, we’d love your help! 
The project: We’re putting together a picture of Scotland’s digital heritage offer, and the first step is to look at the websites of our Doors Open days venues to see what online content people can access right now. But with over a thousand venues possibly taking part, it’s a big job. We need people to visit the websites of our list of venues and make a note of what they see, using our spreadsheet. All you need is an internet connection and an interest in heritage to take part! By joining us as a volunteer, you’d be a key part of our work to take Doors Open Days digital this year.
If that sounds like a good way of spending some of your remaining lockdown time, then get in touch! Drop our Director Susan a line for more information: Susan.OConnor@scottishcivictrust.org.uk.