
Doors Open Days 2020 Highlights

Hot off the presses! Our Doors Open Days 2020 report has just been released!

In 2020, venues across Scotland rose to the occasion to put on a Doors Open Days unlike ever before. Despite a national lockdown that threatened to cancel the festival and isolate us from each other, venues courageously went digital and created virtual tours, short films, podcasts and more.

Our first ever digital festival was an amazing success:

  • Venues created 404 new digital heritage experiences, totalling a 75% increase in digital resources created by participating venues.

  • Doors Open Days was the largest European Heritage Days digital festival – we offered 7 times more digital events per head of population than our largest comparator (England) in 2020.

  • 184,000 people partook in the online festival, 85% of which were new to the event. We also expanded our audiences by reaching more 18-25 year olds and over 65 year olds than ever before.

Read the Digi Doors Open report to learn more about our first ever virtual festival, and remember that you can still access our archive of virtual tours, audio trails, exhibitions and more!

Illustration of Scotland City Buildings