Doors Open Days 2019 - Weekend 1

Here is a selection of sites that will be open to the public for FREE this weekend!


Open for Doors Open Days on Sunday 1st September, 10am-4pm.

Known locally as the Priory Doocot, and built on landholdings likely to have once belonged to the Cistercian Nunnery of St Mary, this is an excellent example of a 16th century beehive doocot.  The building has recently undergone an extensive restoration which included a reconstructed interior, complete with a new potence ladder for accessing the nesting boxes, lighting and information boards. The Priory Doocot is new to the Doors Open Days programme this year, so make sure to check out this unique site.

Priory Doocot

To find out what other buildings will be open during Doors Open Days in Fife East, click here. You can also view a PDF of the 2019 Fife East Doors Open Days programme here.

INVERNESS SHERIFF COURT (Inverness and surrounding areas)

Open for Doors Open Days on Saturday 31st August. Only open for guided tours at 11.30am, 12.30pm and 2pm.

Standing on the site of the medieval castle of Inverness, the Sherriff Court is by Edinburgh architect William Burn and dates from 1833-5. Inside, the central stair rises under a panelled vaulted ceiling. Original furnishings include a Tudor Gothic Canopy over the bench in Court No.1.

This will be the last time that the Inverness Sheriff Court will feature in the Doors Open Days programme, so make sure you head over to see it on Saturday 31st August!

Sherriff Court

To find out what other buildings will be open during Doors Open Days in Inverness and surrounding areas, click here.


Open for Doors Open Days on Saturday 31st August, 10am-3pm.

St Columba’s was opened in 1897 as an independent boarding and day school to 54 young ladies. Pioneering educators, such as Georgina Kinnear and her protégés, Miss Young and Miss Waugh, were pivotal in shaping the School ensuring that the girls not only received “an education not inferior to that of their brothers”, but one which allowed them to develop their individual talents and aspirations.

Shalott, an impressive Victorian mansion on Knockbuckle Road, housed first the School’s boarders and when boarding ceased in 1970, it was developed as the home of Junior School.

Come in and explore this historical building.

St Columba’s School

To find out what other buildings will be open during Doors Open Days in Inverclyde, click here.

Blooms with a View

Blooms with a view installation

This weekend Blooms with a View launches the Doors Open Days 30 Years celebrations.  

The installation is open to view for the first weekend of Doors Open Days - Friday 30th August until Sunday 1st September.  Viewing slots are now fully booked, but you can join the waiting list at

For those with booked spaces, Please remember to wear flat shoes to preserve the lovely pool tiles!

Young Advisory Panel Guides

Through funding from Year of Young People National Lottery Fund, we have assembled a panel of young people to provide their perspective on their location's festival this year. The YAP team have been tasked with creating print guides to their location, and a complementary video guide.

Whose guide will you need this weekend?

INVERNESS - The YAP member for Inverness is Madeline. In her Guide she has decided to recommend buildings in the theme of history and community.  You'll also find a day itinerary with suggestions of how to spend a day, as well as ideas of where to eat, stay and shop.  Pick up a copy from Inverness Youth Hostel.

Find out all the information on the Young Advisory Panel page, and access the digital guides and video highlights (they will be available to view from Friday 30th August).

We love hearing all about your Doors Open Days experiences on social media. Please share any photos with us by using our hashtags #DODscot and #DODscot30. We might even feature you on our feed!