
Digital Events Across Scotland

Can't make it to a Doors Open Days event? Join us for some exciting digital experiences new for this year's festival!

161B Home Building Resource, Scottish Borders

Speak with homeowner, Christine, about her modern home created from the sustainable reuse and adaptation of a church hall. 


Lower City Mills, Perth

Watch an interview with Justin Rose about his traditional oak carpentry and how he uses his skills to create modern versions of traditional woodwork. 


The Orkney News, Orkney

For Doors Open Days 2023 there will be two digital events looking at the strawplaiting industry in Orkney and Helen's cooking show featuring Orcadian recipes.


University of Dundee Museums, Dundee

The University of Dundee Museums are home to over 30,000 artefacts, artworks and specimens. In this online tour you’ll get to peak inside some of the museum stores and discover some of the University’s fascinating collections of art, science and natural history.


Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh

Discover why this award-winning building is beloved not just of poets, but architects too. Hosted by Saltire Prize-winning poet Janette Ayachi, the film takes you by the hand as we stop off to look at its history – and to consider its future. Discover what services the library offers and its various collections, including unique items taken from the SPL’s special collections. Learn about the Library’s relationship with the mysterious book sculptures that captured the world’s attention a decade ago. Ayachi is joined by two poets who read their work and discuss what the Library means to them: Louise Peterkin and RJ Arkhipov.