
Digi Doors Open Roundup 5: Drone Edition!

See the world from a new perspective with this week's edition of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!

The doors may have closed on #DigiDoorsOpen this year, but that doesn't mean that the fun has to stop! Each week we will be creating a themed roundup of our digital resources so that you can enjoy a virtual day out from home. 

This week's theme is drone footage. We know we've been droning on and on about our amazing resources, but you should really check these out! Climb aboard the Caledonian Railway, avoid getting vertigo on the Shakin' Brig and get a seagull's-eye view of the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. 

This week's venues cover Angus and Dumfries and Galloway


Caledonian Railway: Travel along this historic railway line which spans four miles of track between Brechin and the Bridge of Dun. Built in 1848, this line was opened to support the local thriving textile and whisky trade and is still used today over 170 years later! Look down over beautiful farmland and quaint countryside villages as you follow a steam train on its journey. 

Caledonian Railway showing steam train


Shakin' Brig: The Shakin' Brig (Shaking Bridge) is a pedestrian suspension bridge that crosses North Esk river. It has a reputation for making some travellers feel a wee bit queasy. The shaking sensation is a result of the bridge's steel wire construction, which allows the bridge to shift under the weight of those who are brave enough to cross it! 

Shakin' Brig (Shaking Bridge) pedestrian suspension bridge

Dumfries and Galloway 

Mull of Galloway Lighthouse: Did you know that the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse is located at Scotland's most southerly point? On a clear night the light can be seen from 20 nautical miles away, guiding ships to shore past the Scare Rocks which could threaten their safe passage. Soar above the Irish Sea and see the lighthouse in a way you've never seen it before. 

Mull of Galloway Lighthouse

Tune in next week for our next instalment of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!