
Digi Doors Open Roundup 2: Smiddy Edition!

Things are heating up in this week's edition of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!

The doors may have closed on #DigiDoorsOpen this year, but that doesn't mean that the fun has to stop! Each week we will be creating a themed roundup of our digital resources so that you can enjoy a virtual day out from home. 

This week's theme is Scottish smiddies! Marvel at carefully preserved workshops as we celebrate a craft which has stood the test of time and impacted families for generations. Listen to the rhythmic hits of the hammer and the soothing crackle of the fire. If you can't stand the heat, you might need to get out of the blacksmith's workshop!

This week's venues cover Argyll and Bute and Midlothian!

Argyll and Bute 

Strachur Smiddy: Take a whistle-stop digital tour of the smiddy and its rich history through a series of archival videos. Watch as a horse shoe takes shape and learn about how the building was brought back from the brink after 40 years of neglect and restored to its former glory as a fully operational blacksmith's workshop.

Strachur Smiddy , Blacksmith at work


Cousland Smiddy and Heritage Hub: Virtually visit a 300 year old working smiddy where blacksmiths have been honing their craft from 1703 to the present day. This archival footage recorded in 1987 shows Kit Sked, a former Cousland Smiddy, hard at work at the forge making a horse shoe.

Forge making a horse shoe


Tune in next week for our next instalment of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!