
Digi Doors Open Round Up 14: Burns Edition!

Get tae know Scotland's bard with this week's edition of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!

The doors may have closed on #DigiDoorsOpen this year, but that doesn't mean that the fun has to stop! Each week we will be creating a themed roundup of our digital resources so that you can enjoy a virtual day out from home. 

Ah dinnae ken aboot you but we canny wait till tonight when we get to scran some haggis, neeps and tatties in honour of our favourite ploughman poet!

This year, the words of 'Auld Lang Syne' really hit home. We look forward tae a day when we can safely come together with friends and family to share memories and a dram (or twa'!). Until then, you can learn aboot the life and legacy of Rabbie Burns with these braw digital resources. 

'Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?'

This week's venues cover Dumfries and Galloway and Renfrewshire

Dumfries and Galloway 

Robert Burns Ellisland Museum and Farm: The tranquil surroundings of Ellisland Farm served as inspiration for many of the bard's most influential works such as 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'Tam Oh Shanter'. Explore the home that Burns built, worked and lived in. 

Robert Burns Ellisland Museum and Farm


Robert Burns House: Burns spent the last years of his short life behind the walls of this simple sandstone home, dying in 1796 at the age of 37. The building has become a place of pilgrimage for Burns enthusiasts from all over the world - take a look inside!


Robert Burns House



Tannahill's Cottage: Now home to the Paisley Burns Club, Tannahill Cottage was once home to another famous Scottish poet named Robert. Take a virtual tour of Robert Tannahill's home, a weaver turned poet who acted as the first club secretary in 1805. 

Tannahill's Cottage

See you next week for our next instalment of #DigiDoorsOpenRoundup!