Doors Open Days Coordinators

National Coordinators

The Scottish Civic Trust are the national coordinators of Doors Open Days across Scotland. Please email the Scottish Civic Trust for general enquiries.

Local area coordinators

Local coordinators plan and deliver Doors Open Days within each participating local authority area. If you have a question for your local coordinator, please use the contact information below.

Aberdeen City - Seonaidh Baker, volunteer

Aberdeenshire - Clare Tierney, Aberdeenshire Council

Angus - Gillian Black Angus Council

Argyll & Bute - Kirsty Durrant , Argyll and Bute Council

Ayrshire - Michael Hitchon Kyle and Carrick Civic Society

Caithness & Sutherland- Ian Leith, Volunteer

Clackmannanshire - Susan Mills Clackmannanshire Heritage Trust

Dumfries and Galloway - Emily Sherriff, Scottish Civic Trust

Dundee - Emily Sherriff Scottish Civic Trust

East Dunbartonshire - Megan Stamper, East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust

East Lothian - Ian Sudlow-McKay, Volunteer

East Renfrewshire - Emily SherriffScottish Civic Trust

Edinburgh - Ian Sudlow-McKay, Volunteer

Falkirk - Emily Sherriff, Scottish Civic Trust

Fife -  Steve Liscoe, Fife Council

Glasgow - Joe Robins, Glasgow Building Preservation Trust 

Highlands - Emily Sherriff Scottish Civic Trust

Inverclyde - Emily Sherriff Scottish Civic Trust

Midlothian - Sheena Devlin Midlothian Council

Moray - Louise Dunn, Moray Council

North Lanarkshire - Emily Sherriff Scottish Civic Trust

Orkney - Emily Sherriff, Scottish Civic Trust

Outer Hebrides - Gemma Malcolm, Kinloch Historical Society,

Perth and Kinross - Rory Bryce, Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust

Renfrewshire - Valerija Tkacenko, Renfrewshire Council

Scottish Borders - Daniel Lodge, Scottish Borders Council,

Shetland - Emily Sherriff, Scottish Civic Trust

Stirling - Fionn McIntosh Stirling Council

South Lanarkshire - Janet Moxley, Biggar and District Civic Society,

West Dunbartonshire - Jeremy Watson Lennox Heritage Society

West Lothian - Emily Sherriff, Scottish Civic Trust


Use of Information

Data supplied by venues, including images, plans, drawings and text submitted in support of participation in Doors Open Days will only be used for highlighting and promoting the Doors Open Days activities. Personal contact information will not be disclosed to other parties.

Data will be held by the Scottish Civic Trust, National Coordinator of Doors Open Days in perpetuity to maintain a record of participation.